Zugvogeltage 2024 | Mit den Junior Ranger:innen auf Zugvogel-Suche
  • Excursions & Hikes

© Nationalpark-Haus Wurster Nordseeküste

An event organized by the Wurster Nordseeküste National Park House as part of the 16th Migratory Bird Days in the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park from 12 to 20 October 2024.
Further information on the Migratory Bird Days can be found at: www.zugvogeltage.de

The local Junior Ranger group meets once or twice a month and learns exciting things about a wide variety of topics related to the Wadden Sea National Park.

They would now like to "pass on" this knowledge. Together with the Junior Rangers, we go to the nearby flood rest area, observe the migratory birds and learn something about their special features.

All participants can learn in a playful way how migratory birds find their way to the Wadden Sea and what happens if the birds are disturbed too often.

Limited number of people, registration required.
Remember to wear warm, weatherproof clothing and, if you have them, bring binoculars.

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.


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