Wanderer between the worlds
  • Classical Music
  • World Music
  • Festivals

© Laura Dietz/Staatliches Museum Schwerin

Counter-tenor Nils Wanderer and the Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle as border crossers between baroque and musical, classical and pop


Program highlights:
Songs from Cats, West Side Story, Chicago, Romeo and Juliet
Arias by Mozart, Purcell and Handel
Hits by Lady Gaga, Adele, Whitney Houston, Leonard Cohen

This will be a concert in a class of its own. Opera star Nils Wanderer and his guests will present music from Mozart to Lady Gaga, from Leonard Bernstein to Leonhard Cohen. After acclaimed concerts in Berlin, London, Barcelona and Salzburg, the rising star of the opera world is coming to Schwerin for the first time and, together with the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Staatskapelle Schwerin, will give a concert you will not forget!

Nils Wanderer is first prize winner of the national competition "Gesang 2022" and won Placido Domingo's "Operalia" 2022 as the first German and only countertenor. In recent years, he has sung leading roles in opera and oratorio at the Teatro Massimo Palermo, the Salzburg Festival, Opera de Lille, the Berlin State Opera and Hanover, the Vatican in Rome, the Handel Festival in Halle, the Barbican Center London, the Palace of Versailles, the Philharmonie de Paris and L'Auditori Barcelona, among others. He has performed under the direction of Kent Nagano, Jordi Savall, Christian Thielemann, David Bates and Patrick Lange and has given recitals and concerts with renowned song accompanists such as Daniel Heide and Marcelo Ameral from Europe to North America and India. However, Nils Wanderer cannot be pinned down to one genre and is equally at home in the musical and pop genres. The role of the "Angel of Death" in the acclaimed musical Romeo and Juliet - Love is Everything was composed for Nils. He also works as a choreographer and director and writes his own songs.

The concert on July 12 is the opening concert for Nils Wanderer's residency in Schwerin, where he will present all facets of his artistry to the Schwerin audience. Together with the Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle and guests, he will create a rousing program in which you can certainly sing and dance along!

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Laura Dietz/Staatliches Museum Schwerin

Schlossgarten Schwerin (Freilichtbühne)


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© Hamburger DOM

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  • 12:00
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