VHS Rundgang: Fledermäuse am Abendhimmel
  • Excursions & Hikes

© pexels

Bats in the evening sky - the tour of the leisure lake + city forest

The recreational lake in Quickborn is bordered by the city forest, which has undergone significant changes in recent years. Surprisingly, birds and bats are benefiting from this.

This is what awaits you: You will experience the darkness, learn about different species of bats and watch the acrobats in the night sky. Which bats will we encounter again in the area, which is currently developing rapidly every year? Bats also have preferences! We will go bat hunting on wide paths with a maximum of 12 participants for around 2 hours.

Meeting point: 25451 Quickborn, Harksheider Weg 251, parking lot at the Holsten Stadium. The walking distance is about 1 km. Please remember to wear sturdy shoes, long clothing and mosquito repellent! If you have them, please bring binoculars. Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed. This course is subsidized and therefore costs less than other comparable formats. A reduction in the fee is therefore not possible.

Registration required at: www.vhs-quickborn.de, number 1047, 9.50 Euro

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© mediaserver.hamburg.de / DoubleVision

Treffpunkt: Parkplatz Holsten-Stadion


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© Lüneburger Heide Gmbh

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  • Excursions & Hikes

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  • 17:00
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© Schneverdingen Touristik

Geführte Abendwanderung durch das Pietzmoor
  • Excursions & Hikes
  • City Walks

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  • 14:30
  • Treffpunkt: Feriendorf Schneverdingen
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  • Nationalpark-Haus Wurster Nordseeküste
© Schneverdingen Touristik

Geführte Abendwanderung durch das Pietzmoor
  • Excursions & Hikes
  • City Walks

  • 11.07.2024
  • 18:00
  • Treffpunkt: Feriendorf Schneverdingen
© Lüneburger Heide GmbH

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  • Workshops
  • Excursions & Hikes

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  • 16:30
  • Heidschnucken Hof Niederohe
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© Waytalla Alpakas GmbH

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  • Waytalla Alpakafarm


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