Live-Interview mit Jan Gerdes von Hof Butenland
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© Stiftung Hof Butenland
© Stiftung Hof Butenland
© Stiftung Hof Butenland


Economic efficiency combined with animal welfare? Jan Gerdes realized that these demands could not be reconciled!

From the former family dairy farm to organic farming and the life farm. Jan Gerdes grew up on Hof Butenland and once took over his parents' conventional farm, later converting it to Demeter guidelines until he completely stopped milk production and use of the animals in 2002 and created a peaceful place for former high-performance dairy cows and calves to live. That was the beginning of the Hof Butenland cow retirement home. In addition to the cattle, the foundation now also houses pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, horses and peacocks.

In 2007, the farm was registered as a non-profit foundation under the name Stiftung Hof Butenland – Lebenshof für Tiere and today functions as an ambassador for the human-animal relationship.

The exploitation and killing of animals is now permanently prohibited on the foundation's approximately 50 hectares of land. In 2014, a court case successfully brought a ban on hunting on the Butenland farm. In addition to looking after and caring for the animals and managing the meadows and pastures, Jan, as founder and chairman of the foundation, also provides information about his many years of experience as a master farmer, "livestock" farming, the transition to a life farm and ethically motivated veganism.

In 2020, the documentary film “Butenland” by Marc Pierschel was released and won numerous film awards.

Jan will talk about Hof Butenland and his work as a farmer. Afterwards there will be time for your questions and discussion.



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We offer finger food and drinks before and after the lecture. Donations are welcome.

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© ThFritz_7249

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