Haselauer Martinsfest
  • Celebrations

with lantern parade, bedtime story, Martinsbrötchen, Martinstrunk ...

As every year, we celebrate St. Martin's Day in Haselau with a lantern procession that ends in the church. There we hear a bedtime story. To conclude, there will be Martinsbrötchen and Martinstrunk for physical support, maybe even this year with Martin personally - and hopefully in good weather.


Invited are children and families from Haselau and the surrounding area.


This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© mediaserver.hamburg.de / DoubleVision

Dreikönigskirche Haselau


© Bild von Roland Mey auf Pixabay

Irischer und schottischer Folkabend
  • Festivals & Street Fairs
  • Concerts & Music

  • 28.09.2024
  • 18:00
  • Erlebnisschmiede Trappenkamp
© Design by HiTiDE

PHOENiX festival - "Verfemte Kultur lebt!"
  • Festivals

  • 19.09.2024
  • 10:00
  • Jupiter (3. OG)
© www.bergmann-gruppe.net

Hamburg Cruise Days
  • Festivals

  • 12.09.2025
  • 14:00
  • St. Pauli Landungsbrücken
© Paolina Bunderla

IFOM2024 - The 1. International festival of orthodox music and tradition
  • Festivals

  • 27.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Serbisch-Orthodoxe Kirche
© Wandsbeker Oktoberfest

Wandsbeker Oktoberfest 2024

  • 20.09.2024
  • 12:00
  • Wandsbeker Marktplatz
© Hamburger DOM

Hamburger DOM
  • Funfairs

  • 21.03.2025
  • 15:00
  • Heiligengeistfeld

OPEN MOUTH – Hamburg Food Festival
  • Festivals

  • 12.09.2024
  • 08:00
  • Open Mouth Heartquarter
© Hamburger DOM

Hamburger DOM - Winterdom
  • Funfairs

  • 08.11.2024
  • 15:00
  • Heiligengeistfeld
© Jan Sieg

Tag der offenen Tür im Betriebswerk Uelzen mit metronom, erixx, enno und der OHE
  • Celebrations

  • 22.09.2024
  • 10:00
  • Bahnbetriebswerk Uelzen
© Thomas Byczkowski

  • Festivals

  • 24.10.2024
  • 18:00
  • verschiedene Spielstätten in Hamburg


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