Fahrt mit historischem Gemüse Ewer zur KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
  • Excursions

© Jörn Lindemann

The Vierländer Ewer sets off from Bergedorf harbor in search of the connections between the Neuengamme concentration camp and the Vierlande and Marschlande. At the beginning of the tour, Martin Reiter, historian and employee of the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial, introduces the history of the Neuengamme concentration camp. On the Dove-Elbe it becomes clear how visible the concentration camp forced labor was for the local population. In order to be able to transport bricks from Neuengamme to Hamburg, the prisoners had to develop the river into a navigable waterway under grueling conditions, right next to the residents' houses. Based on historical remains that at first glance seem inconspicuous, which Martin Reiter supplements with reports and drawings by former prisoners, the diverse economic connections of the concentration camp to the surrounding area come into view, but connections between the local population and concentration camp prisoners and SS guards are also addressed. Once at the concentration camp memorial, the grounds and exhibitions are explored. Impressions can be exchanged in a final discussion during the return trip. Please note: You will exit the boat in the area of the memorial via a short but steep sheet pile ladder. Please bring food and drinks with you for this tour! Registration is mandatory, the boat has a limited number of places and is not wheelchair accessible.

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Bergedorfer Schifffahrtslinie Buhr GmbH

Anleger Bergedorf


Hamburgs Insider Tour
© How To Hamburg / Tim Kestermann

Hamburgs Insider Tour

  • 05.07.2024
  • 14:00
  • Treffpunkt: U-/S-Bahnhof Sternschanze (Ausgang U-Bahn)
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© Hamburg City Cycles

Biketour "Hambuzrg compact" (English)

  • 09.07.2024
  • 14:30
  • Gebrüder-Wolf-Platz
© Hamburg News Stadtführungen

Hafenrundfahrt in Hamburg - Ticket 12.50 EUR
  • Harbour Tours

  • 05.07.2024
  • 11:00
  • Anleger Kajen
© Martyn Leder

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  • City Walks

  • 06.07.2024
  • 11:00
  • Treffpunkt: Deichstraße / Steintwiete
Hamburgs Klassiker Tour
© How To Hamburg / Tim Kestermann

Hamburgs Klassiker Tour
  • City Walks

  • 05.07.2024
  • 10:00
  • Treffpunkt: Alter Elbtunnel
© Schneverdingen Touristik

Geführte Abendwanderung durch das Pietzmoor
  • Excursions & Hikes
  • City Walks

  • 06.07.2024
  • 14:30
  • Treffpunkt: Feriendorf Schneverdingen
Der Herzapfelhof und sein Markenzeichen der Herzapfel
© Herzapfelhof Lühs und Martin Elsen

Hofführung auf dem Herzapfelhof
  • Guided city tours & round trips

  • 06.07.2024
  • 16:30
  • Herzapfelhof Lühs
Schnucken Wacholderpark
© Rüdiger Katterwe

  • City Walks

  • 03.08.2024
  • 17:00
  • Treffpunkt: Parkplatz Am Wacholderpark
Historischer Stückgutfrachter BLEICHEN
© Stiftung Hamburg Maritim / Dr. Stefan Behn

  • Excursions

  • 19.07.2024
  • 10:00
  • Hansahafen
Obsthof Express
© Obsthof Matthies

Obsthof Express Fahrt auf dem Obsthof-Matthies
  • City Walks

  • 02.09.2024
  • 11:00
  • Obsthof Matthies


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