Erlebnis-Lesung mit Oscar Whyman
  • Readings

© Oscar Whyman, Grafik: ESA

Oscar Whyman is 21 years old, lives in Hamburg and is currently doing his Abitur. He communicates with a talker, a complex electronic communication aid, because he has no voice.

As part of his reading tour, Oscar Whyman will be appearing at the Kulturküche. The reading tour is financed by Aktion Kindertraum. Oscar Whyman and his talker will play the main role in the children's book "Abie Alba - The Young Ottokar". A video on YouTube inspired the TV actress and independent children's book author Katrin Bühring to create the book character in close collaboration with AAC coach and qualified speech therapist Maike Freiberg.

At the beginning of the exciting and touching story, the boy Ottokar is excluded from the children of the village because of his disability. Ottokar, who is new to the village, drives angrily into the forest. He meets the fir tree Abie Alba and finds an orphaned fawn. Ottokar stands up for the fawn and the animals in the forest. Through his commitment, the disability fades more and more into the background. In the end, he is integrated into the children of the village. They drive with him into the forest.

The audience can expect a sensual, varied and expressive performance with sounds and music. Afterwards there will be an open question and answer session with Oscar Whyman. A talker from Prentke Romich Germany will also be available to try out. Together, Whyman, Bühring and Freiberg are committed to more inclusion and cultural participation in order to make the boundaries between the lives of children with and without disabilities a little more permeable. Oscar Whyman also wants to be an encouraging role model and inspiration for children and young people who rely on AAC, to show how a "normal life with such a thing" is possible.

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf

Kulturküche Alsterdorf


© Martin Büttner

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  • Theatre

  • 15.12.2024
  • 16:00
  • theater itzehoe
© Hoftheater Ottensen

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  • 25.10.2024
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  • Hoftheater Ottensen
© Gerrit Meier

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  • LOLA Kulturzentrum
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  • Theatre & Stage Art

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  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© Sofie Wanten

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  • Theatre & Stage Art

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  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© Bart Grietens

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  • 01.12.2024
  • 11:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© University Players

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  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 29.11.2024
  • 20:00
  • Motte- Rothestraße
© Hoftheater Ottensen

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  • Theatre

  • 15.11.2024
  • 16:00
  • Hoftheater Ottensen
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  • Opera

  • 10.11.2024
  • 19:30
  • Laeiszhalle (Kleiner Saal)
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  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 17.02.2025
  • 09:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)


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