Die Zukunft der Medizin
  • Lectures & Discussions

© Privat Jörg Braun

Lecture by Prof. Jörg Braun, Medical Director of the Manhagen Clinic.

In medicine, we are currently seeing biblical visions come true: the blind can see again, the deaf can hear, and the lame can walk. Even research into immortality is no longer taboo: the promise of being able to rejuvenate the human body is triggering trillions of dollars in investment.

But what consequences do these dramatic changes have on our understanding of disease, on the role of patients and health care providers and, last but not least, on the financial viability of the health care system?

Ethically, it is much easier to have no therapy for a disease than to have a potentially effective treatment that is only available to a few. What role will "disruptive" technologies such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology play in future developments? And last but not least: what influence will these developments have on our self-image as human beings?

Professor Braun will address these topics in a lecture and there will be time for questions and discussion afterwards.

We look forward to seeing you!

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Akademie Großhansdorf

Ev.-Luth.-Auferstehungskirche Großhansdorf Schmalenbeck


© Design by HiTiDE

Panel-Talk: Wie wollen wir uns erinnern?
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 25.09.2024
  • 18:00
  • Museum am Rothenbaum - Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK)
© Stiftung Hof Butenland

Live-Interview mit Jan Gerdes von Hof Butenland
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 21.09.2024
  • 18:00
  • Fotofabrique
© Design: Rocket & Wink

Parcours MARKK x Kunstverein

  • 15.10.2024
  • 17:00
  • Kunstverein in Hamburg
© Christian Wüstenberg

Mauritius - Der Kinofilm. Live-Film Premiere mit den Filmemachern zu Gast in Quickborn
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 28.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Beluga Kino Quickborn
© MGH Horneburg

Vortrag "Von der Arbeit ins Vergnügen?!" Der Start in den Ruhestand!
  • Lectures & Discussions
  • Information & Consulting Service

  • 24.10.2024
  • 19:00
  • Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH)
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Historische und aktuelle Schalenobstsorten

  • 15.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum
© Simon Hinrichs

Vortrag: Gans Hamburg – Graugänse aus der Großstadt

  • 16.11.2024
  • 16:00
  • Goldbekhaus
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Rettet die Moore – Torfersatz im Gartenbau

  • 20.10.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum
© Flussschifferkirche

„Demokratie erhalten – eine Entscheidung fürs Miteinander“
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 15.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Flussschifferkirche
© Helge Masch

Blüten - Arboretum Ellerhoop
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 13.10.2024
  • 14:00
  • Arboretum Ellerhoop


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