Bunt statt Braun - Ein Abend mit Adrian Geiges!
  • Readings

© Bücherhallen Hamburg
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“Colorful instead of Brown” has another great reading in store for you in September.

We are very pleased to announce that writer and journalist Adrian Geiges is a supporter of our event series.

The long-time Beijing and Moscow correspondent will read from his brand new book “Front Against Freedom”

and tell the exciting story of Chinese-Soviet and Chinese-Russian relations,

which shape the world today more than ever.

Admission: 7:00 p.m.

Tickets are now available during our service hours. Unfortunately, advance reservations are not possible!

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Bücherhallen Hamburg

Bücherhalle Altona


© J. Konrad Schmidt

Symphoniker Hamburg / Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg / Pablo González
  • Opera

  • 31.12.2024
  • 16:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Großer Saal)
© Michaela Grabner

Wiener Singakademie / Pro Brass / Heinz Ferlesch
  • Opera

  • 18.01.2025
  • 20:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)
© Norderstedter Amateur-Theater

Dree Damen in'n Harvst - NAT
  • Theatre

  • 19.09.2024
  • 19:30
  • Festsaal am Falkenberg
© Hoftheater Ottensen

Weihnachtsmärchen-Hans im Glück
  • Theatre

  • 15.11.2024
  • 16:00
  • Hoftheater Ottensen
© Sébastien Grébille

Twinkle Concert S / In Omis Garten (In Granny’s Garden)
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 15.02.2025
  • 11:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© M. Madsen

Figurentheater für Kinder - „Die Olchis im Land der Dinos“ von Erhard Dietl
  • Theatre

  • 07.09.2024
  • 16:00
  • Stadtteilschule Niendorf
© Simon Pauly

Katharina Konradi / Catriona Morison / Song Recital
  • Opera

  • 19.10.2024
  • 19:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© Ralf Bettinger

  • Theatre

  • 06.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Stadtpark Harburg (Freilichtbühne)
© Jessie Kamp

Twinkle Concert L / Wo der Wind weht
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 27.04.2025
  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© MelFlower Teamfoto

Oberuferer Weihnachtsspiel

  • 23.12.2024
  • 18:00
  • Michaelshof Sammatz


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