Ausstellung: 100 Jahre Sturmflutwarndienst
  • Guided Tour

© Beate Gerken

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the storm surge warning service for the North Sea, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) is inviting people to a special exhibition and providing all interested parties with interesting facts about the topic of storm surges.

What awaits you?

- Interactive information stands and live demonstrations

- Historical devices

- Guided tours of the forecast centers of BSH and DWD (German Weather Service).

- Offers for children

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© / DoubleVision

BSH Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie


© SHMH, Sinje Hasheider

  • Guided Tour

  • 05.09.2024
  • 10:00
  • Deutsches Hafenmuseum
© Berit Neß

Biosphaerium Elbtalaue - Biber und Elbfische live erleben
  • Permanent Exhibition

  • 05.09.2024
  • 10:00
  • Biosphaerium Elbtalaue Schloss Bleckede
© SHMH, Sinje Hasheider

Jenisch Haus
  • Permanent Exhibition

  • 05.09.2024
  • 11:00
  • Jenisch Haus
© Invite: In and Out of Place. Land after Information 1992 – 2024 Image: Emmanuel Van der Auwera, VideoSculpture XXX (The Gospel), 2024 Courtesy the artist, Harlan Levey Projects and Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève-Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2024

Public Tour
  • Guided Tour

  • 12.09.2024
  • 17:00
  • Kunstverein in Hamburg
© Bergedorfer Museumslandschaft

Stadtlandfluss. Unterwegs in Bergedorf
  • Permanent Exhibition

  • 05.09.2024
  • 11:00
  • Bergedorf Museum
© Panoptikum

Panoptikum - Wax Museum

  • 05.09.2024
  • 10:00
  • Panoptikum
© Gestaltung: Sofarobotnik; © Miguel Chevalier, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Flowers Forever. Flowers in art and culture
  • Exhibition

  • 12.10.2024
  • 11:00
  • Bucerius Kunst Forum


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