TONALi Hall Unexpected from classical music

© TONALi gGmbH
© Swanhild Kruckelmann für TONALi gGmbH

The centrepiece of TONALi's participatory cultural work is located in Hamburg's Grindel district and is a format laboratory for musicians, a meeting workshop for PARTizipation, a concert hall for classical music and a research base for social cultural fields.

The year-round concert and event programme with over 60 concerts a year is the result of a unique participatory process between young cultural professionals from the TONALi CREW and the second-year musicians from the TONALi Stage Academy and the TONALiSTEN network.

TONALi CREW and the second-year musicians of the TONALi Stage Academy and the TONALiSTEN network. With its 100 seats, its own bar, inviting terrace and versatile lighting, video and sound technology, the concerts at this venue are both an extraordinary art experience and an up-close encounter with the artists and those involved in the events.


The TONALi SAAL is the home and venue of TONALi. Founded by the two cellists Amadeus Templeton and Boris Matchin in 2010, TONALi is a participatory, non-profit, award-winning cultural and educational project in which young people in particular play, listen to and organise classical music.The audience is given the opportunity to participate in the creation process of the concert in direct dialogue with the artists and thus take on a completely different, active role in the event. In this way, a new concert form is created, an imaginative addition to the familiar concert programme. Why? Quite simply, to enable as many people as possible to participate.


The focus of the academy work in the TONALi SAAL gives the academy members the opportunity to work with the young people in the crew to qualify in holistic-participative concert design, concert dramaturgy and interdisciplinarity.In addition, the aim is to grasp the current discourse on the topic of "concert" and to enrich it with their own research, experiments and new concepts or cultural impulses. In the in-house KonzertLabor series, the participating musicians and young people present the results of this joint process and invite the audience to become a part of the classical music of tomorrow.

Classical concerts and much more

The concert club, which opened in 2018 and seats up to 100 people, has been an insider tip ever since it was named "Hamburg's best new club" in 2020. In addition to the classical concerts, TONALi SAAL also hosts chanson evenings, experimental performances, readings and musical theatre evenings. Classical greats such as Lisa Batiashvili, Christian Tetzlaff, Matthias Kirschnereit, Vadim Gluzman and many more, as well as Hamburg artists such as Véronique Elling, Johannes Kirchberg and Stefan Schad have already performed here.

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© Matthias Pens Fotografie

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