Burg Henneberg
© Timo Sommer / Lee Maas

Hamburg's North

Barmbek, Alsterdorf, Ohlsdorf and Duvenstedt

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Welcome to the north of Hamburg!

Or more precisely in Barmbek, Alsterdorf, Ohlsdorf and Duvenstedt. The north of Hamburg is a wonderful place to live. Thanks to good transport connections, you can quickly get to the city centre and have plenty of green space on your doorstep. Everything here is a bit more relaxed, but still varied. 

SHOPPING, EATING, DRINKING Discover restaurants & shops

The fact that Hamburg is by no means just another big city is particularly evident in the surrounding districts. Here in the north of Hamburg, a mixture of big city flair and rural charm determines the character of the districts.

© Syed Zaidi on Pixabay

Tibarg Center

Shopping fun in Niendorf: The Tibarg Center promises a variety of shopping and dining opportunities in the north of Hamburg.

Tibarg Center

Tibarg Center

Tibarg 41
22459 Hamburg

© Andreas Hoernisch Photographie


  • Restaurant
  • German cuisine
  • International
  • €€€

Enjoy your favorite drinks in the Treudelbar designed with vintage metallic tones.


Treudelbar im Steigenberger Hotel Treudelberg

Lemsahler Landstrasse 45
22397 Hamburg

© ThisIsJulia Photography

Volksdorfer Wochenmarkt

At the Volksdorfer weekly market in Hamburg, about 10 merchants offer fresh and healthy products from the region and all over the world.

Volksdorfer Wochenmarkt

Volksdorfer Wochenmarkt

Kattjahren 4
22359 Hamburg

© Pia Sunder

Waldfondue Hamburg

  • Café/Bistro
  • Gourmet

Two Hamburg women bring Alpine romance to Hamburg! The guests of Waldfondue Hamburg gather directly in the forest around the cauldron in which a cheese fondue mixture made from regional cheese melts. This is an unforgettable fondue experience in the open air.

Waldfondue Hamburg

Waldfondue Hamburg

Karlshöhe 60d
22175 Hamburg

© Pixabay / Rawpixel


  • Restaurant
  • Vegetarian
  • Mexican
  • Vegan
  • International

Xodo heißt auf portugiesisch Liebling und der Name ist Programm: Leckeres Lieblingsspeisen aus Südamerika tummeln sich auf der Speisekarte. Ob knusprige Maniok-Chips mit Chili, fruchtig-pikante Salate, herzhafte Suppen und Eintöpfe, ob vegan oder fleischlastig - hier ist für jeden Geschmack ein Liebling dabei.



Papenhuder Straße 26
22087 Hamburg

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DISCOVER NOW Discover more districts

© ThisIsJulia Photography


Around Harburg's inland harbour, historical and modern architectural styles merge. It's maybe even a bit like HafenCity. Finkenwerder, on the other hand, has the charm of a fishing village. – Here, you see a quite different, almost rural side of Hamburg. Harburg and Finkenwerder are also good starting points for discovering the Hamburg metropolitan area.

Hamburg South
© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer


Welcome to Bergedorf, Wandsbek, Hammerbrook and Rothenburgsort! Here, the harbour cranes and industrial culture in Rothenburgsort and Hammerbrook meet nature protection areas, meadows and woods on the border with Schleswig-Holstein.

Hamburg East


With its 40 inhabitants, Neuwerk is Hamburg’s northernmost area. It is located in the Hamburg Wadden Sea at the mouth of the Elbe, about 100 kilometres from the Hamburg city hall. There is always a breeze blowing on Neuwerk and you can enjoy a wide view over the sea.

Neuwerk Island

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