Washington Bar Traditional Seamen's Pub

Dimmed lighting and smoky air: The Washington Bar on St. Pauli is reminiscent of a sailor's pub.

The Washington Bar invites you to dock at the long counter. It is one of the most legendary and oldest bars in Hamburg. The Austrian shanty singer Freddy Quinn was discovered here. Pictures on the wall remind of past days and the heyday of seafaring romance. The Washington Bar does not rest on its memories. Modern sounds invite you to dance and celebrate. The Washington Bar is a meeting place for everyone. It was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT St. Pauli, the Harbour & the Reeperbahn

At Hamburg’s city coast, the Elbe and the harbour, you can just sit down and watch as ships, ferries and tugs pass by and enjoy the strong sea breeze. A few hundred meters away you can experience Hamburg’s world-famous “sinful mile” – the Reeperbahn.

St. Pauli, the Harbour & the Reeperbahn

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© Jonas Walzberg

Culture meets bar atmosphere Freundlich + Kompetent

In the former Winterhude bar "Freundlich + Kompetent" on the ground floor of the Mundsburg Center, club events, concerts, bingo and quiz evenings are held regularly in addition to the bar business.

Freundlich + Kompetent
© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH

Highballs since 2012 Boilerman Bar

Stirred, never shaken. The Boilerman Bar specializes in so-called highballs. These drinks consist of a base spirit such as whiskey or gin and a "filler" such as ginger ale, tonic water or the like.

Boilerman Bar
© William Iven on Pixabay

Jazz for connoisseurs Birdland Hamburg

Musically sophisticated and extraordinary - this is how the Birdland Hamburg Jazz Club presents itself in Gärtnerstraße.

Birdland Hamburg

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