Jazzclub Bergedorf Stomping in East Hamburg

© Michael Solscher

In the far east of Hamburg a small but beautiful club has flown the flag for "jazz fans" for many years.

Jazzclub Bergedorf offers live music on Fridays and Sundays from Dixieland and hot jazz to swing. In summer, Sunday brunch is served in the courtyard. In the cold months, local heroes such as Jailhouse Jazzmen, Skiffle Track and Black Jass raise the temperature with "stomping" rhythms. An indispensable institution for jazz lovers from Bergedorf and surrounding areas and a perfect alternative to the similarly oriented Cotton Club in the centre of Hamburg.

More on this subject

© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer


Welcome to Bergedorf, Wandsbek, Hammerbrook and Rothenburgsort! Here, the harbour cranes and industrial culture in Rothenburgsort and Hammerbrook meet nature protection areas, meadows and woods on the border with Schleswig-Holstein.

Hamburg East

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Highballs since 2012 Boilerman Bar

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Party for a good cause Unterm Strich

“Love Hamburg. Help Hamburg.” is the motto of the world's first donation club, Hamburg “Unterm Strich”.

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