Indra A live venue that breathes music history

© T. Schreiber

“Where the Beatles played first” – at the end of Grosse Freiheit, the Indra brings the story of the Fab Four to life, while ensuring new unforgettable live moments.

This is the place where, in the early 1960s, four young lads from England started conquering the big, wide world of music. The fact that the Beatles’ very first Hamburg performances took place here adds a special flair to this live club and continues to attract people from across the globe. That said, the Indra is still considered to be an excellent medium-sized live club, featuring e.g. weekly jam sessions on Thursdays and a table tennis competition on Wednesdays. The Indra’s weekend programme is just as colourful and includes anything from burlesque shows and punk gigs to contemplative singer-songwriters.

More on this subject

© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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