Downtown Blues Club Blues legends of today and yesterday

The events of the Downtown Bluesclub are known worldwide. Both young and experienced artists preserve the music of the 60s and the heritage of the Mississippi Delta.

The Downtown Bluesclub events are all about blues and old-time rock'n'roll. In a variety of off-locations, musicians and bands play regularly who were already on stage at the legendary Star Club in the 1960s. But especially young artists are supported in their further development by the Downtown Bluesclub.

More on this subject

© Geheimtipp Hamburg

CITY AREA PORTRAIT All around the Alster

There is much to do around the Alster, one of the must-sees in our beautiful harbour city – Gründerzeit quarters and exclusive residential areas delight fans of architecture, joggers and cyclists. Many individual shops, cafés and restaurants invite visitors to linger. For a workout, for relaxation or just to take a stroll – the Alster is always a pleasant experience!

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