Astra-Stube Charming live tavern

This pub was already called Astra-Stube when our grandparents still went there. At the end of the 1990s, however, a live music club opened in the same place.

Discover the bands of tomorrow

Since then, it has regularly hosted DJ nights and live concerts by smaller bands, who like to be found on much larger stages in the city only a short time later. The place consists of a small room and therefore offers only a few seats. Early arrival ensures a bar stool.

For the 13th time, Clubkombinat Hamburg e.V. honoured the Hanseatic city's club and event scene in eleven categories in 2023. Astra Stube was the winner in the "Newcomer Promotion of the Year 2023" category.

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CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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