Tausendschön Flohmarkt Flea market by women

© Renate Messing
© Renate Messing
© Renate Messing
© Renate Messing

At the Tausendschön flea market in Hamburg Eppendorf women will find many beautiful and practical things.

The treasures at the TAUSENDSCHÖN flea market are beautiful and practical. In the Kulturhaus Eppendorf there are plenty of them.

Flea market by women

Here only women present what has accumulated over the months in useful things. Four times a year, small and large treasures change hands at the TAUSENDSCHÖN Flohmarkt. There is everything from fashion and accessories to household appliances and technology. The obligatory flea market bits and pieces are, of course, also included. A special feature: There are no men's or children's items.

The best offer wins

Bargaining has to be learned and this can definitely be proven at the TAUSENDSCHÖN. There are no price labels here. For the stabilization after the Kaufrausch is also ensured. Anyone who thinks they have already grazed everything on the first day is wrong. On Sundays the hustle and bustle continues with new stands. Thus a large and multicolored selection can be guaranteed, whereby for everyone at least finds one small piece.

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© Matthias Pens Fotografie

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

Here, one can find magnificent old building façades, local and exquisite restaurants as well as fancy boutiques and owner-operated shops. While Eppendorf is rather fancy, one can feel the hanseatic serenity in Eimsbüttel. Both districts offer much green and water and are hence with good reason very popular neighbourhoods in Hamburg.

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