© Geheimtipp Hamburg

Sustainable shopping in Hamburg

Fair trade, eco fashion and plastic-free shopping

What would a city trip to Hamburg be without a shopping tour? You can shop especially fairly and sustainably in the owner-operated boutiques in Hamburg's lively districts. Many stores carry trendy green labels. In small shops you can discover creative, very special Hamburg souvenirs - from jewellery and decorations made from old books or driftwood, to bags made from PET bottles, to chocolate pralines handmade by women with a migration background. Enjoy the shopping!

Shopping tips for conscious strolling and exploring

Wander through second-hand shops, discover designer fashion in vintage shops, stroll through colourful weekly markets or stock up on natural cosmetics in zero waste shops with no plastic at all. We have put together a great selection for you:

© Mediaserver Hamburg / Lisa Knauer

Regional and fresh The most beautiful farmer's markets in Hamburg


Hamburg offers many weekly markets. Every day, merchants sell their fresh goods and invite countless visitors to shop and stroll with amazement.

The most beautiful farmer's markets in Hamburg
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Dawdling around Hamburg's best flea markets


Rummage around flea markets for all it's worth! Year-round, in summer as well as in winter, at Hamburg's flea markets you'll always find what you've…

Hamburg's best flea markets
© Mediaserver Hamburg / DOUBLEVISION

Finding hidden treasures Cool second-hand stores to browse


It doesn't always have to be new. Sometimes the most beautiful treasures are hidden in clothing and accessories with a history.

Cool second-hand stores to browse
© Ignacio F on Unsplash

Zero Waste in Hamburg – Shops for unpacked shopping Shops for unpacked shopping


Not only ecological but also regional and without wasting packaging: If you want to shop unpackaged in Hamburg, you should definitely visit one of…

Shops for unpacked shopping


© Empire Riverside Hotel

Enjoy vegan, organic and regional Eat and drink consciously

Everything that makes a city stroll a treat is also available "in green" in Hamburg: vegan restaurants, organic cuisine, seasonal menus, ...

Eat and drink consciously
© Christian Brandes

Discover Hamburg's Green Soul Time out in the green

Elbe & Alster, parks and over 30 nature reserves make Hamburg a big city full of greenery and sustainable exhibitions provide variety in bad weather.

Time out in the green
© Mediaserver Hamburg / Julian Scheinkönig Schrödingers Open Air 2020

Overview of Sustainable Highlights Sustainable Events in Hamburg

Festivals, markets and guided tours – these events are sustainable: discover nature in the city, taste delicious vegan food, immerse yourself in an atmosphere of freedom & equality or simply take some time to learn more about fair fashion labels, ethical investment and much more. The organizers pay special attention to ecological compatibility, as well as to social end economical compatibility.

Sustainable Events in Hamburg

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