Steen Fashion Fashion as a family business in Ottmarschen

© Steen Fashion

Whether cuddly cashmere, jeans or chic blouses. The fashion house offers a wide selection of everyday clothes, chic and outdoor jackets.

You can find here for example 7 for all Mankind, MarcCain or Cambio. In addition to exclusive womenswear, the range also includes accessories such as shoes, scarves, glasses and belts.

The clothing store in Othmarschen has been in family hands since its foundation in 1907. What the great-great-grandfather opened at that time as "manufactory and white goods" is still carried on by the Kruse family. Here you will find a piece of real Hamburg family history!


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© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

The former fishing and seamen's village of Blankenese is situated directly on the Elbe. It is the perfect starting point for hopping on a sailing boat or on the Elbe ferry, or for taking long walks along the shore. Another highlight is a visit to the Treppenviertel (German for staircase quartier) with a spectacular view of the lighthouse and the Falkenstein shore.

Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

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Hessnatur offers high quality, non-toxic and fair produced fashion directly in Hamburg's city centre.

© Anh Tuan To on Unsplash

Oasis for tea lovers TeeGschwendner

At TeeGschwendner Hamburg, everything revolves around tea. You are guaranteed to find your new (or old) favorite tea here!

© Timo Sommer / Lee Maas

Sugary temptation. Bonscheladen

If you have always been eager to learn about the candy making process, then you should definitely visit the Bonscheladen in Ottensen.


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