Nachtflohmarkt Sternbrücke Haggling instead of celebrating

© Fundbureau
© Fundbureau

At the Sternbrücke Nachtflohmarkt in Hamburg, nocturnal hunters and collectors will certainly find more than just old crown corks and beer coasters.

The Sternbrücken Night Flea Market proves that treasures lurk under the Sternbrücke. Night hunters and collectors will certainly find more here than just old crown corks and beer coasters.

Haggle at the club

Once a month the clubs and bars under the railway bridge become the place to go for special things and nice bargains. Every first Wednesday of the month, Fundbureau, Waagenbau and Co. open their doors to a different kind of nocturnal visitor. The night flea market under the Sternbrücke is just as popular as the clubs where it takes place. 

Party Triangle

The night flea market veteran Fundbureau is always present as an organizer. Together with the occasional participants Waagenbau, the Astra-Stube and Wasserschaden, the club shares the event space at the Sternbrücke night flea market. Because according to the motto "you today, me tomorrow", Waagenbau, the Astra Stube and Wasserschaden decide about their participation from month to month. The clubs that are participating are always revealed to flea market enthusiasts in advance on the Fundbureau's Facebook page. Admission to the nocturnal shopping experience is free for everyone. It starts at 19:00 hrs.

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© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Sternschanze & Karoviertel

The two districts around Schanzenstraße and Schulterblatt are always in motion. Here, it is colourful and lively, and it has become much fancier in the last few years. Still, the district in the borough of Altona has preserved much of its rough, leftist-alternative nonconformism.

Sternschanze & Karoviertel

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