© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH / Antje Forytta

Marlowe - green fashion at Weltladen Ottensen

Fair, sustainable and ecological fashion

On 25 sqm directly in the world shop, Marlowe - green fashion offers basics for women.

Yoga outfits, jeans and basics

A small but well-stocked selection of green fashion is available at the Shop-im-Shop in Ottensen. The store opened a few years ago right next to the world shop in the popular Bahrenfelder Straße. The concepts fit well together: Both pay attention to fair and sustainable production methods; first buy chocolates, jewellery or other life beautifiers from the world shop, then round off the sustainable shopping experience with stylish green fashion. If you don't find the right item, you can have it delivered from one of the other Marlowe - green fashion stores on Grindel and try it on directly in Ottensen.

Green fashion since 1992

For over 25 years, the Marlowe - green fashion stores have stood for sustainable fashion in Hamburg. The Ott family is now the second generation to run the eco fashion shops. In addition to the shop-in-shop at the Weltladen, there are two shops at Grindel - one for women, one for men only.

More on this subject

© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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© Marlowe Nature

Sustainable fashion at the Grindel Marlowe – green fashion

Marlowe - green fashion is one of the pioneers of sustainable fashion in Hamburg and offers fashion and accessories for every occasion.

Marlowe – green fashion
© Marlowe Nature

Green Fashion for Men Marlowe – men & sports

Marlowe - men & sports am Grindel is Germany's first pure eco fashion store for men. Here you can find green fashion for men for almost every occasion.

Marlowe – men & sports
© T. Schreiber


Stylish, handmade clothes for men and women can be found at garment in Hamburg.


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