Ladage & Oelke

© Ladage und Oelke
© 2018 Hamburg Tourismus GmbH Johanna Nickel
© 2018 Hamburg Tourismus GmbH Johanna Nickel

An English men's clothing magazine, like Michel & Elbe inextricably linked to Hamburg since 1845, the perfect place to immerse yourself in a unique world, where you can discover a lot about the history, partners and the multifaceted world of gentlemen's wear.

There is hardly a traditional Hanseatic department store where the affinity of Hamburgers for England can be felt as clearly as at Ladage & Oelke.

Family owned since 1845 and managed by the third generation, almost every fabric and leather is purchased and processed here. Wax jackets, frock coats, duffle coats, shirts, kilts, tweed jackets and classic suits and suits for women and men hang and stack on the wooden shelves on 450 square metres up to high under the stucco decorated ceilings. All kinds of headgear and accessories such as handkerchiefs and silk scarves, cufflinks, walking sticks and umbrellas complete the gentleman's look and the lady's country style at his side. 

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There is much to do around the Alster, one of the must-sees in our beautiful harbour city – Gründerzeit quarters and exclusive residential areas delight fans of architecture, joggers and cyclists. Many individual shops, cafés and restaurants invite visitors to linger. For a workout, for relaxation or just to take a stroll – the Alster is always a pleasant experience!

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Mojo Store

Hamburg has style, Hamburg has Mojo: in the trend-store at Schanze the young generation of Hamburg not only finds their answers to the current streetwear trends but also a place to chill out and drink a beer in the afternoon sun!

Mojo Store
© Alexander Kovacs on Unsplash

Luxury Shopping Kaisergalerie

The latest shopping arcade in Hamburg is also one of the most architecturally attractive shopping arcades in northern Germany.

© Mediaserver Hamburg Lisa Knauer

Unique weekly market in Eppendorf Isemarkt

Since 1949, the Isemarkt lures around 6.000 visitors to Eppendorf to do their weekly grocery shopping, or just to stroll along and chat with other visitors under the Hochbahn bridge.


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