Früchtetankstelle at Altes Land Day and night fruit at the touch of a button

© Matthias Pens Fotografie
© Matthias Pens Fotografie
© Matthias Pens Fotografie
© Matthias Pens Fotografie

You know of an egg vending machine? You have seen a milk filling station before? But have you ever heard of a fuelling station that fills its customers with vitamins instead of petrol? If not, it's time for a trip to the Alte Land near Hamburg. Because this is Hamburg's first fruit filling station.

Who doesn't know it, summer is here and everywhere there are tempting fruit stands with fresh strawberries. The strawberry has long since ceased to be just a fruit, but has become a true cult. Karl's Erdbeerhöfe have created a whole world of experience around the subject of strawberries and strawberries somehow belong to every summer - otherwise it wouldn't be a summer. But what if no strawberries are available at the moment? No problem, because Hamburg's first fruit filling station is located in the Alte Land. Here you can find strawberries - and other fruit - at any time of the day. At the push of a button!

Fruit filling station - choose a tray, deposit money, take fruit home with you

The fruit filling station is very easy to operate: You choose what you want to buy, put the change in the vending machine (the vending machine also changes up to 10 euro notes) and enter the tray number. You can then open the door to the compartment and remove the fruit. Not only fruit is waiting for you at the petrol station, but also many kinds of freshly squeezed juices. The fruit filling station is open 24 hours a day and can easily be reached by car or bicycle.

In addition to the fruit filling station in the Alte Land, where you can simply buy the fruit, the farm in the Alte Land also offers you the opportunity to pick the fruit yourself.

A farm in Hamburg with 1.8 million inhabitants

The Diercks fruit farm is now in its sixth generation and has already grown to over 25 hectares in size. There is plenty of space for regional fruit and vegetables, which also have to be pollinated. The farm runs a beekeeping facility with 60 bee colonies especially for this purpose. Together, the 60 bee colonies have just as many inhabitants as the city of Hamburg - 1.8 million! Beekeeping is a symbiosis between humans and animals, because the bees ensure the pollination of the many flowering plants and trees and in return collect the nectar of the flowers. And for all of us, delicious organic honey from Hamburg falls off. A real win-win-win situation!

Fresh fruit and honey from Obsthof Diercks in the Altes Land

However, fruit for refueling and self-picking is by no means everything. Diercks fruit farm offers everything from fresh asparagus, potatoes and rhubarb in spring, strawberries, currants, blueberries, cherries, plums and peaches in summer, to grape plants, pears, nuts, quinces and oranges in autumn and winter. All products are also sold at weekly markets in Hamburg. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays you will find a stand at the Diercks fruit farm at the Neugraben weekly market; on Wednesdays and Fridays you can find them at the Fuhlsbüttel weekly market.

The Obsthof is easy to reach and only a bike ride away from Hamburg. So when will you be cycling to the Alte Land?


Short & Sweet

  • Für wen Obstliebhaber, Erdbeersüchtige, Safttrinker, Vitamindurstige
  • Hinkommen Die Früchtetankstelle befindet sich an der Ecke Marschkamper Deich/Neuenfelder Fährdeich
  • Angebot Wechselt saisonal – Äpfel, Birnen, Erdbeeren, Pflaumen, verschiedene Säfte und Honig
  • How-to Fach aussuchen, Geld einwerfen, Obst, Honig oder Saft entnehmen
  • Unser Tipp Eine Fahrradtour ins Alte Land mit einem Stopp an der Früchttankstelle zum Auftanken – im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes 


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© Matthias Pens Fotografie

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