© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme
© Christian Temme


Bottleshop und Eventlocation

Das Bierspezialitätengeschäft findest man direkt am historischen Fischmarkt in Altona.

Hier kann man probieren, Biere kaufen, bierige Geschenkideen verwirklichen, Freunde treffen, besondere Events genießen, entspannen - und vor allem eine gute Zeit mit Blick auf die Elbe haben.
Wir beraten gerne und helfen durch eine ständig wechselnde Auswahl von rund 250 Bieren. Neue Trends entdecken, die Brauer bei einem der vielen Events kennenlernen, den Horizont mit speziellen Themenabenden erweitern oder sich einfach von der eigenen Neugier treiben lassen und Biere mit Freund*innen teilen, all das geht im Braustättchen.

Hamburg CARD Benefit

with Gourmet Upgrade

2 for1 beer

Pay for one beer of the week and get two.

with Gourmet Upgrade

Culinary upgrade

Beer on tap: pay 0.3l, receive 0.5l

Please note that you must provide proof of the benefit redemption in the app, before ordering in the restaurant, for the discount to be applied.

When ordering and using the benefit, please inform the staff and show your valid Hamburg CARD and Gourmet Upgrade. Duplication of discounts not possible.

from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

More on this subject

© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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© ThisIsJulia Photography


Around the Gänsemarkt in Hamburg there are many shopping malls with boutiques, restaurants and cafés. Everybody will find something here.

© ThisIsJulia Photography

Sundays 5 to 9 am Fish Market

Every Sunday morning since 1703 Hamburg's most traditional market has been trading in just about anything and everything that isn't nailed down.

Fish Market
© 2018 Hamburg Tourismus GmbH Johanna Nickel

Scandinavia has more to offer than just crime novels – it also has style. Die Pampi

Following the motto 'items from the heart for young and old' the concept stores called 'Die Pampi' mark their home in Hamburg’s trend neighborhoods Eimsbüttel and Winterhude. They seem to be at the heart for Scandinavian design in the city and if you are looking around the store you’ll immediately know why.

Die Pampi

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