Xodo heißt auf portugiesisch Liebling und der Name ist Programm: Leckeres Lieblingsspeisen aus Südamerika tummeln sich auf der Speisekarte. Ob knusprige Maniok-Chips mit Chili, fruchtig-pikante Salate, herzhafte Suppen und Eintöpfe, ob vegan oder fleischlastig - hier ist für jeden Geschmack ein Liebling dabei.
The combination of sweet and salty, savory and fruity has perfected South American cuisine. At Xodo, Paulo Bezarro serves classic Brazilian dishes based on his mother's recipes, but also his own delicious creations with influences from African or Asian cuisine. The attention to detail is evident not only in the food, but also in the décor: the walls of the restaurant are decorated with pictures of children from the Brazilian jungle metropolis of Manaus, woven fabrics on the tables show the craftsmanship of South America, and at the entrance the lucky ribbons from Salvador hanging from the ceiling welcome the guests. And if you're looking for the ultimate Brazilian experience, you should plan your visit to Xodo on Wednesdays, when Rafa Brandao plays Musica Popular Brasiliero (admission).