Willis Cakes Organic pastry shop in Hamburg

© Mike Meeks on Unsplash

If there is a cake heaven, it starts at Willis Cakes in Eimsbüttel. The pastry shop enchants its guests with homemade cakes, sweet cakes and colourful macarons.

Willis Cakes is more than a sweet café. It is a place where magic is performed - pompous wedding cakes, colourful birthday cakes, elegant tartelettes.

Food must be good

...is the motto at Willis Cakes. Care and passion drive the work in the bakery to perfection. The result: Irresistible delicacies and sweet seductions. In the morning there is a varied breakfast selection, in the afternoon the focus is on the cakes, made with great attention to detail.

Favorite ingredients? Organic!

Willis Cakes is a certified organic pastry shop. Only organic raw materials are used in the cake workshop. In addition to the various pastries, Willis Cakes also makes its own yoghurt, granola, jam and cream cheese. Mmmmm, simply delicious!

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© Marc Markstein on Unsplash

Süße Leckereien 10 Adressen für köstliche Kekse und Gebäck

Wir nehmen wir euch zu zuckrigsten Adressen der Stadt mit, die uns mit süßen Leckereien verwöhnen. Neben liebenswürdigen Traditionsbäckereien und kreativen Konditoreien, geht es dabei auch in kleine Manufakturen, für die authentisches Handwerk an oberster Stelle steht.

© Matthias Pens Fotografie

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

Here, one can find magnificent old building façades, local and exquisite restaurants as well as fancy boutiques and owner-operated shops. While Eppendorf is rather fancy, one can feel the hanseatic serenity in Eimsbüttel. Both districts offer much green and water and are hence with good reason very popular neighbourhoods in Hamburg.

Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

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Highballs since 2012 Boilerman Bar

Stirred, never shaken. The Boilerman Bar specializes in so-called highballs. These drinks consist of a base spirit such as whiskey or gin and a "filler" such as ginger ale, tonic water or the like.

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