© lee_maas_timo_sommer
© lee_maas_timo_sommer
© lee_maas_timo_sommer
© Timo Sommer, Lee Maas

Manufact Coffee Roasters

In April 2020, the café Hermetic Coffee Roasters was taken over and will now continue to operate as Manufacture Coffee Roasters.

Numerous coffee varieties - including unusual ones such as almond-flavoured coffee or caffeine-free ones like "Caro Kaffee" - are on offer here. Coffee beans are freshly ground and prepared to order. Those who don't like coffee can enjoy the large selection of teas and lemonades. For the small appetite, there are fresh, appetising sandwiches, for example with brie and raw vegetables, but also muffins, cupcakes and a small, fine selection of cakes and tarts.


from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

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Short & Sweet

  • CategoryCafé/Bistro
  • Ambiencesmall & cosy, with jazz music
  • Tipdon’t ask for milk or sugar!
  • Serviceimpressive range of coffees, but also small sweet and savoury dishes.

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© Pixabay / Pexels

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The two districts around Schanzenstraße and Schulterblatt are always in motion. Here, it is colourful and lively, and it has become much fancier in the last few years. Still, the district in the borough of Altona has preserved much of its rough, leftist-alternative nonconformism.

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