genascht Café and pastry shop

© RitaE on Pixabay

This is where cake dreams come true: the "genascht" offers colourful cakes and delicious pastry variations.

The "genascht" in Barmbek-Süd combines a high-quality pastry shop with a cosy café.

Coffee time

Elaborate cakes and sweet pastries from the in-house confectionery decorate the cake counter in the "genascht". Almost everything from short pastry to almond paste is made here. Regional and seasonal products are used to prepare the delicacies. And you can taste it!

Courses for beginners and advanced learners

There are cake and biscuit courses for all those who not only want to snack but also want to take the baking spoon into their own hands. Under professional guidance, biscuits, cupcakes, cakes or tarts are baked. When decorating the sweet delicacies, the baking apprentices can let their creativity run wild. Whether for children's birthdays, Christmas parties or bachelorette parties, the offer is aimed at all sweet toothers.

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© Marc Markstein on Unsplash

Süße Leckereien 10 Adressen für köstliche Kekse und Gebäck

Wir nehmen wir euch zu zuckrigsten Adressen der Stadt mit, die uns mit süßen Leckereien verwöhnen. Neben liebenswürdigen Traditionsbäckereien und kreativen Konditoreien, geht es dabei auch in kleine Manufakturen, für die authentisches Handwerk an oberster Stelle steht.

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There is much to do around the Alster, one of the must-sees in our beautiful harbour city – Gründerzeit quarters and exclusive residential areas delight fans of architecture, joggers and cyclists. Many individual shops, cafés and restaurants invite visitors to linger. For a workout, for relaxation or just to take a stroll – the Alster is always a pleasant experience!

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