eiskantine Honest ice cream from Hamburg Neustadt. Since 2011.

© Heather Barnes on Unsplash

In the ice cafeteria, ice lovers of all ages get their money's worth.

In der Eiskantine gibt es kein "Eis aus der Dose" - hier werden alle neun verschiedenen Sorten täglich frisch und direkt vor Ort hergestellt. Zusatzstoffe, Fertigmischungen und dergleichen sucht man hier vergebens, alle Sorten sind glutenfrei*, die Sorbets auch für Laktoseintolerante geeignet. 

Für alle, die es weniger kalt mögen, gibt es hausgemachten Kuchen und fair gehandelten Kaffee aus unkonventionellem Anbau. 

* außer es gehört zur Eigenschaft der Sorte oder enthält Kekse o.ä.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© Fotolia / JFL Photography


The historic core of the Altstadt (German for Old Town) district is shaped by traditional buildings such as the Hamburg city hall and the chamber of commerce, the alleyways and bridges which stretch out all the way to the HafenCity district. In the Neustadt district district between Laeiszhalle and Jungfernstieg with elegant promenades, fashion stores and gallery owners – overlooking the Alster.

Alt- & Neustadt

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Hamburg's cuisine is becoming as diverse as its citizens, who are forming the special character of the city. At Leche de Tigre northern gourmets will find an exotic interpretation of maritime delicacies and many more exiting delights from Peru.

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