© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

YULLBE Miniatur Wunderland

Shrink into wonderland!

The Miniatur Wunderland is Hamburg's most visited adventure world. Pure enthusiasm grows in every visitor, young and old, when they climb the stairs in the historic warehouse in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Speicherstadt, at the ends of which are incredible replicas of the most beautiful places in our world in miniature format. Now the Miniatur Wunderland has launched a new attraction, the virtual reality experience YULLBE, which guarantees amazement and fun.

In cooperation with the Europa-Park, a virtual reality experience of superlatives was created with YULLBE Wunderland. For the first time, visitors can not only view the worlds of the Wunderland from the outside, but dive right into them themselves! As a small model figure virtually shrunk to a scale of 1:87, you walk through several areas of the Wunderland and experience the real visitors virtually as giants from the perspective of the miniature inhabitants. The fact that reality and virtual reality constantly cross over makes the experience a lot of fun.

Two virtual reality experiences in the Miniatur Wunderland

The 30-minute adventure "The Crazy Shrink Tour" takes place in the YULLBE WUNDERLAND PRO room. Here, up to five players - minimum age 10 years - can move around in a play area of over 250 m² and solve various tasks together.
The shorter Wunderland experience "Walking in Wunderland" lasts 10 minutes and is the perfect choice for a first insight into VR.  This YULLBE WUNDERLAND GO is ideal for families with younger children from the age of 8. Visitors are equipped with a VR headset and experience an unparalleled adventure on an 80 m² play area!

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