© Yourcockpit

YOURcockpit: Flight Simulator

At YOURcockpit, your childhood dream can become reality: Become captain of a helicopter or Airbus and fly to new heights!

YOURcockpit fulfils the dream of flying

Take off in the flight simulator in the Hafencity - flying for everyone without previous knowledge! Become the captain of an air bus, steer a helicopter, experience a realistic parachute jump or fly high up in a fighter jet!

Fascinatingly realistic - this is how passengers and pilots describe their flight experiences in the flight simulators of YOURcockpit. Even without any previous knowledge, everyone can fulfil their dream of flying and take a seat in the cockpit. After a briefing by an experienced flight instructor, you will become the pilot of your aircraft and experience a practical flight experience. In addition to classic passenger aircraft such as Airbus A320 or A380, YOURcockpit in Hamburg also offers a Bell-UH 1 for helicopter fans, an F-16 "Fighting Falcon" simulator and a parachute jump simulator.

Flight times in the flight simulator vary between 60, 90 and 120 minutes. If you would like to take a private lesson (Business Ticket), share a cockpit with your partner or friends (First Calss Ticket) or take off with another guest, YOURcockpit offers the right ticket in the respective price category for every type of flight request. Just drop by and take off.

from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

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