Warner Music Group It’s all about Music

With countless international and national stars under contract, the Warner Music Group is one of the industry’s most successful players. In keeping with the tagline "Artists first", artists take centre stage here – ensuring inspiring music experiences for all fans.

Warner Music Group is one of the world's three largest labels alongside Sony Music and Universal Music Group. The company is dedicated to supporting artists in business and creative terms, helping them to build a long-term success. With more than 30 affiliated record companies, Warner Music boasts many renowned artists from various genres. These include bands with global audiences such as Green Day, Billy Talent and Coldplay, as well as international stars like Ed Sheeran, Madonna, Cardi B and James Blunt. Based in the heart of Hamburg's Speicherstadt, Warner Music Central Europe is, among other things, in charge of marketing German artists such as Peter Fox and Udo Lindenberg.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT HafenCity & Speicherstadt

The world’s largest warehouse complex and UNSESCO World Heritage. On the other side, towards the banks of the Elbe, the modern, ever-growing architecture of the new harbour district HafenCity. Also, you can enjoy the view of the harbour from nearly everywhere.

HafenCity & Speicherstadt

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Iconic record shop in the Karolinenviertel Zardoz Records

This iconic record shop in the Karolinenviertel is a must-see for all music fans. With lots of vinyl, CDs and second-hand merchandise on offer, Zardoz Records is the perfect place for a laid-back, alternative retail experience.

Zardoz Records
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Hamburg music tradition with international success NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra

Founded in 1945, the orchestra of NDR Northern German Broadcasting has travelled the globe and is today based at the Grand Hall of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg – one of the world’s finest concert halls and Hamburg’s iconic landmark.

NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra

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