Queen Mary 2 Next Starts in Hamburg on 27 October and 1st November 2019

© Helge Hackbarth
© Christian Spahrbier
© Jörg Modrow
© Christian Spahrbier
© Jörg Modrow
© Christian Spahrbier
© Michael Jaenichen
© Frank Stuewe

The Oceanliner is a ship of superlatives and a regular guest in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel by bus, train and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

More on this subject

© mediaserver.hamburg.de / Jörg Modrow

Shipping & Cruises

Experience the metropolis on the Elbe before or after your cruise or just watch the ships. Be there live and up close when the most amazing cruise ships arrive at Hamburg's cruise terminals.

Shipping & Cruises
© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT HafenCity & Speicherstadt

The world’s largest warehouse complex and UNSESCO World Heritage. On the other side, towards the banks of the Elbe, the modern, ever-growing architecture of the new harbour district HafenCity. Also, you can enjoy the view of the harbour from nearly everywhere.

HafenCity & Speicherstadt

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© Aida Cruises


The AIDAmar offers both culture as well as sport enthusiasts wide-ranging offers and the best care, not only due to the ship’s own brewery and numerous restaurants.

© Damir Begovic

MS Europa

The Europe is a classic luxury ship. On her travels she stops at the most beautiful places worldwide. On board, guests can expect culinary delights, entertainment, wellness and a wide range of activities of the highest quality.

MS Europa
© MSC Cruises

MSC Preziosa

On board the MSC Preziosa, you can enjoy a Mediterranean lifestyle in a luxurious setting.

MSC Preziosa

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