© ThisisJulia Photography


The waterfront promenade at the harbor now bears the name of the popular hamburger!

Already shortly after his death on December 30, 2019, several voices were raised that there should be a naming - now it is here. About two years after the death of Jan Fedder, the previously unofficially named waterfront promenade at the port, which stretches between the Landungsbrücken and Baumwall, has received his name.

The inauguration of the original "Elbpromenade" fell on a special day

The inauguration day fell on the actual birthday of the popular Hamburg actor. As a policeman named Dirk Matthies, Jan Fedder had ensured law and order on Hamburg's Kiez for decades in the series "Großstadtrevier" from NDR. Some people also know the actor from the series "Neues aus Büttenwarder".

The former "Elbpromenade", which is common in the vernacular, has now become the "Jan Fedder Promenade".

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© Fotolia / JFL Photography


The historic core of the Altstadt (German for Old Town) district is shaped by traditional buildings such as the Hamburg city hall and the chamber of commerce, the alleyways and bridges which stretch out all the way to the HafenCity district. In the Neustadt district district between Laeiszhalle and Jungfernstieg with elegant promenades, fashion stores and gallery owners – overlooking the Alster.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

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