Pickhubenbrücke Photo spot in the UNESCO Speicherstadt

© Mediaserver Hamburg / Andreas Vallbracht

The Pickhubenbrücke is located in the centre of the Speicherstadt and connects the western and eastern halves of the district. From the bridge you have a great view of the various buildings in the Speicherstadt.

If you stand on the bridge, you can also see the main church of St Katharinen. If you want to capture the canals and brick buildings with your camera, don't miss this bridge.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT HafenCity & Speicherstadt

The world’s largest warehouse complex and UNSESCO World Heritage. On the other side, towards the banks of the Elbe, the modern, ever-growing architecture of the new harbour district HafenCity. Also, you can enjoy the view of the harbour from nearly everywhere.

HafenCity & Speicherstadt

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

St. Petri

Hamburg's oldest existing church is located directly in the current shopping district on Mönckebergstrasse, and it is named after the apostle and martyr Peter, who is depicted with a key as the "gatekeeper of heaven".

St. Petri
© Hamburg Dungeon / Nick Mailer

Gain an insight into the dark side of Hamburg's city history Hamburg Dungeon

Experience history in a different way: In the catacombs of Hamburg's UNESCO World Heritage Speicherstadt, professional actors bring the city's darkest events back to life. In front of gruesome backdrops and with the help of cinematic effects, visitors experience the historical events of Hamburg's history for 90 minutes in thirteen different show areas.

Hamburg Dungeon
© ThisIsJulia-Photography

Picturesque small harbour at the Elbe river Museum Harbour Oevelgönne

On 22 November 2024, the new visitor and information centre of the Oevelgönne Museum Harbour will be officially opened. Built on a historic floating pontoon, it not only offers exciting insights into Hamburg's maritime history, but also a panoramic view of the harbour and its treasures.

Museum Harbour Oevelgönne

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