Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography

The Hamburg Stock Exchange building, which by the way is the oldest of its type in Germany, is situated back to back with the Town Hall.

In 1841 the Stock Exchange moved into the building on Adolphsplatz and has remained there ever since. Luckily it escaped practically undamaged from the great fire of 1842. The construction of this building can be traced back to an initiative by the 'Commerzdeputation' as the immediate forerunner to the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT HafenCity & Speicherstadt

The world’s largest warehouse complex and UNSESCO World Heritage. On the other side, towards the banks of the Elbe, the modern, ever-growing architecture of the new harbour district HafenCity. Also, you can enjoy the view of the harbour from nearly everywhere.

HafenCity & Speicherstadt

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© ThisIsJulia-Photography

Picturesque small harbour at the Elbe river Museum Harbour Oevelgönne

On 22 November 2024, the new visitor and information centre of the Oevelgönne Museum Harbour will be officially opened. Built on a historic floating pontoon, it not only offers exciting insights into Hamburg's maritime history, but also a panoramic view of the harbour and its treasures.

Museum Harbour Oevelgönne
© ThisIsJulia Photography

The main church at Klosterstern. St. Nikolai

St. Nikolai - the name represents an extremely changeful church history. The principal church of St. Nikolai was built during the time of the settlement of the new city in the 12th century, and by 1353 had been extended to become a triple naved basilica in the Gothic style - it was then completely destroyed in the Great Fire of Hamburg in 1842.

St. Nikolai
© ThisIsJulia Photography

International Maritime Museum

Kaispeicher B in Hamburg's Speicherstadt is home to the world's largest private collection of maritime treasures from 3000 years of shipping and naval history.

International Maritime Museum

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