Alter Schwede

© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography

The oldest immigrant in Hamburg: the “Old Swede”. Along the Hans-Leip shore lies a boulder weighing nearly 220 tonnes.

The oldest immigrant in Hamburg: the “Old Swede”. Along the Hans-Leip shore lies a boulder weighing nearly 220 tonnes, the so-called “Old Swede”. It was found in 1999 by workers digging out a shipping channel, and got its name due to its ice-age migration from Scandinavia to the Elbe. The Old Swede is one of Germany’s largest ice-age boulders.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

The former fishing and seamen's village of Blankenese is situated directly on the Elbe. It is the perfect starting point for hopping on a sailing boat or on the Elbe ferry, or for taking long walks along the shore. Another highlight is a visit to the Treppenviertel (German for staircase quartier) with a spectacular view of the lighthouse and the Falkenstein shore.

Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

Outstanding German civil engineering Alter Elbtunnel

When the old Elbe Tunnel, also called St. Pauli Elbe Tunnel, opened in 1911, it was a technical sensation. Today, it is a nostalgic and lovingly tended piece of Hamburg history – and has already celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Alter Elbtunnel
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Hamburgs "Tele-Michel" Television Tower

Outstanding! You can see him from every corner of the city: Hamburg's television tower, or as the inhabitants affectionately call it, the "Tele-Michel". The television tower is one of Hamburg's landmarks and today only serves as a radio tower.

Television Tower
© ThisIsJulia-Photography

Picturesque small harbour at the Elbe river Museum Harbour Oevelgönne

On 22 November 2024, the new visitor and information centre of the Oevelgönne Museum Harbour will be officially opened. Built on a historic floating pontoon, it not only offers exciting insights into Hamburg's maritime history, but also a panoramic view of the harbour and its treasures.

Museum Harbour Oevelgönne

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