Nature reserve Rothsteinsmoor Biodiversity in a compact area

© Foto Rothsteinsmoor
© Foto Rothsteinsmoor
© Foto Rothsteinsmoor
© Foto Rothsteinsmoor

Deciduous forest, heath areas and a sand dune create diverse biotopes in a narrow space in the small nature reserve.

The best view of the protected area near Hamburg Airport is from the two viewing platforms. From here, the view wanders over the green spaces and the large pond. The area is not developed with paths so that the rare animal and plant species can develop undisturbed.

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© Timo Sommer / Lee Maas


Hamburg North is a wonderful place to live. The city centre can be reached in no time, and there is plenty of nature nearby. Everything goes at a slightly slower pace here. But there are still many things to see and do.

Hamburg North

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Altona Balkon

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© Infohaus Boberg Loki Schmidt Stiftung

Boberger Dunes

A sandy landscape on the outskirts of the city - the Boberg Dunes are home to a diverse animal world.

Boberger Dunes

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