Altonaer Volkspark

© Cynthia Wester
© Cynthia Wester
© Cynthia Wester

The Altonaer Volkspark in Bahrenfeld, which now covers 205 hectares, is Hamburg's largest public park, the core area of which has been covered by a preservation order since September 2002.

The Altonaer Volkspark in Bahrenfeld, which now covers 205 hectares, is Hamburg's largest public park, the core area of which has been covered by a preservation order since September 2002.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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Duvenstedter Brook

Every fall starting in September, there is a real highlight in the north of Hamburg: Bellowing stags in the Duvenstedter Brook.

Duvenstedter Brook
© Infohaus Boberg Loki Schmidt Stiftung

Boberger Dunes

A sandy landscape on the outskirts of the city - the Boberg Dunes are home to a diverse animal world.

Boberger Dunes
© Vera Müller

Unique park above the Elbe Altona Balkon

The Altona Balkon – “Altona Balcony” – is around 27 m higher than the Elbe and offers a fantastic view of the Hamburg harbour, the legendary fish market and all the colourful goings-on along the shore.

Altona Balkon

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