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Poetry Slam

Word art on Hamburg's stages.

Experience culture. Poetry Slam in Hamburg

Hamburg stands for art and culture through and through. And over the years, poetry slams have gained a firm place in Hamburg's cultural programme. Those who want to see young lyrical talents have the opportunity to do so in Hamburg almost every week. The young poet scene meets here regularly on stage to compete and inspire the audience. And with the "artistic duels", the city even has its own unofficial championship. Here, you'll find an overview of current events and the most frequent venues.

The home of the Poetry Slam in Hamburg.

© Pixabay

Wochenmarkt in Sasel

Not far from the Saseler Park, traders offer fresh food from the region twice a week at the Saseler Markt.

Wochenmarkt in Sasel
© Pixabay

Wochenmarkt Kattjahren/Halenreie in Volksdorf

Whether fish, meat, vegetables or fruit - the traders at the weekly market in Kattyearn/Halenreie in Volksdorf offer fresh delicacies from the region from early in the morning until just after noon!

Wochenmarkt Kattjahren/Halenreie in Volksdorf
© Pixabay

Wochenmarkt Vogelweide

This small market on the square between Wohldorfer Strasse and Volksdorfer Strasse offers everything you need for everyday use: fruit and vegetables, cheese, fish and flowers.

Wochenmarkt Vogelweide
© Canva

Workshop Baby- und Kleinkindschlaf

Stellt ihr euch manchmal die Frage, warum euer Kind so lange zum Einschlafen braucht?
Müsste es das nicht schon allein schaffen?
Und warum schlafen einige Kinder von Anfang an scheinbar problemlos im eigenen Bett, während andere gefühlt ewig bei den Eltern schlafen möchten?
Diese und andere Fragen stellen und beantworten wir uns im Workshop Baby- und Kleinkindschlaf.

Dabei legt deine Kursleitung Maria großen Wert darauf, die Familie als ganzheitliches System zu betrachten und in diesem Rahmen sowohl die Bedürfnisse der Kinder als auch der Eltern zu berücksichtigen.

Der Workshop basiert auf dem bindungsorientierten Konzept des BFB-Instituts und vermittelt Eltern Sicherheit und Wissen in Bezug auf die Schlafsituation ihrer Babys und Kleinkinder bis ca. zum 3. Lebensjahr.
Dabei werden nicht nur Informationen geteilt, sondern auch auf Fragen und Probleme eingegangen - sofern dies der Workshop zeitlich zulässt.
Eine persönliche Beratung ersetzt der Workshop aber natürlich nicht.

- Schlafentwicklung des Kindes
- Schlafverhalten von Babys und Kleinkindern
- Was brauchen Babys und Kleinkinder für einen guten Schlaf?
- Die Schlafumgebung
- Einschlafen und Einschlafbegleitung
- Das kindliche Durchschlafen
- Nächtliches Stillen / Fläschchen geben
- Alpträume und Nachtschreck

Workshop-Leitung: Maria Beisch
- Bindungsorientierte Familienbegleitung (BFB-Institut)
- Stillberatung, Schlafberatung, Beikostberatung
- Eltern-Kind-Kursleitung für Kinder im Alter von 0-3Jahre
- Mutter von zwei Kindern (2019, 2021)

Kontakt bei inhaltlichen Fragen: maria@zusammenwachsen-hh.de

Workshop Baby- und Kleinkindschlaf
© Gilda Fernandez

Workshop: Kosmos Gamelan

Gamelan music originated on the islands of Bali and Java many hundreds of years ago. It is played in a group on gongs, metallophones and drums. Its unique sound already fascinated composers like Debussy and has many fans in Europe to this day. The Elbphilharmonie owns a particularly fine ensemble of gamelan instruments, and this workshop offers the opportunity to try them out, and to hear what a remarkable sound they produce when they all are played together.
Please note: this workshop is aimed at young people aged 16 or older and adults. Children younger than 16 may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Workshop: Kosmos Gamelan
© Claudia Höhne

Workshop: Kosmos Gamelan

Gamelan music originated on the islands of Bali and Java many hundreds of years ago. It is played in a group on gongs, metallophones and drums. Its unique sound already fascinated composers like Debussy and has many fans in Europe to this day. The Elbphilharmonie owns a particularly fine ensemble of gamelan instruments, and this workshop offers the opportunity to try them out, and to hear what a remarkable sound they produce when they all are played together.
Please note: this workshop is aimed at families with children aged ten and above. Children younger than ten may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Workshop: Kosmos Gamelan


© Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Culture, street festivals & concerts Events in Hamburg

Whether it's art, music or theatre - experience the Hamburg you want to see. You'll find events with your favourite artist on the date you want! Experience the cultural diversity of Hamburg's cultural scene and the many events here and in the metropolitan region.

Events in Hamburg
© Stage Entertainment

An evening full of emotions Musicals & Shows

Experience the musical capital of Hamburg! Whether it's Disney's long-running success THE KING OF THE LIONS, moving musicals such as & JULIA - The Pop Musical or hilarious shows on the Reeperbahn - there's something for all ages and tastes here.

Musicals & Shows
© www.mediaserver.hamburg.de / Hinrich Carstensen

Festivals & Street Fairs

Parks or industrial zones are transformed into festival sites; side-streets invite you to come to highly diverse street festivals.

Festivals & Street Fairs

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