© Pixabay / Skitterphoto
Poetry Slam

Word art on Hamburg's stages.

Experience culture. Poetry Slam in Hamburg

Hamburg stands for art and culture through and through. And over the years, poetry slams have gained a firm place in Hamburg's cultural programme. Those who want to see young lyrical talents have the opportunity to do so in Hamburg almost every week. The young poet scene meets here regularly on stage to compete and inspire the audience. And with the "artistic duels", the city even has its own unofficial championship. Here, you'll find an overview of current events and the most frequent venues.

The home of the Poetry Slam in Hamburg.

© Claudia Höhne

Workshop: Kosmos Sound

We don’t hear music with our ears alone: we can also experience it intensely with our whole body and with all our senses. In the workshop »Kosmos Klang« many special instruments are available for the purpose, such as sound chairs and vibrating water bowls. Participants experience the relaxing effect of the vibrations produced, and even make the sounds visible.
Please note: this workshop is aimed at families with children aged six and above. Children younger than six may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Workshop: Kosmos Sound
© Adhuna Veda

Yoga and Pilates Flow - a strong team for health and well-being

Take the time for your Yoga - Pilates Flow, the healthier stomach, legs, buttocks, in which - like in yoga - the pelvic floor, the fascia and the deep stabilizing muscles are also practiced, for an upright, tension-free body in which the mind feels good. Enjoy holistic courses for health and well-being in manageable groups. In the Adhuna Veda, right on the U-Farmsen, in the backyard, in a quiet location. Very easy to reach by all means of transport.

Yoga and Pilates Flow - a strong team for health and well-being
© Heike Steinweg

»Europe in Transition – Tradition Meets the Future«

Upheavals leave their mark, for better or for worse. And they seem to be increasing: from the crisis in the financial and monetary system to the political disruptions caused by populism, corona, war and the climate – we are living in »interesting times«. What does this do to us? How do we look to the future when the present frightens us? Is the longing for a past that is imagined to be orderly stronger than the desire for a future worth living? And if it is true that the more change is forced upon us, the more tempting the traditional appears, how can we save utopian ideas such as the project of a united and democratic Europe for the future? At the discussion concert, essayist Nora Bossong and author Rainer Moritz discusses upheavals, Europe and our image of the future with another voice with a diagnosis of the times.

This event takes place in German.


Johannes Motschmann Trio trio

Johannes Motschmann piano, synthesizer

Boris Bolles synthesizer, violin

David Panzl percussion

Nora Bossong talk

Rainer Moritz talk

»Europe in Transition – Tradition Meets the Future«
© Stephanie Weber

Érard-Festival – Benefizkonzert

The grand final concert of the 8th Érard-Festival will take place this year at the Recital Hall of the Elbphilharmonie. Eight young pianists will perform masterpieces from the Romantic period and subsequent eras at the matinee organised by the Érard Society. The proceeds from the charity concert will go in equal parts to the Junior Sailing League team and the Ukrainian sailors of the North German Regatta Association (NRV). With their musical skills, the young piano virtuosos make it possible to support selected NRV projects to promote the next generation of high-calibre sailors.


Yiyi Fan piano

Mira Ilenia Preu piano

Chuang Liang piano

Philipp Pakendorf piano

Adina Gottwald piano

Ruka Sakazaki piano

Yfang Rong piano

Zihan Xu piano


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Zehn Variationen G-Dur über »Unser dummer Pöbel meint« KV 455

Franz Liszt
»Waldesrauschen« aus: Zwei Konzert-Etüden S 145

Frédéric Chopin
Scherzo Nr. 4 E-Dur op. 54

Franz Liszt
Ballade Nr. 2 h-Moll S 171 »Héro et Leander«

- Interval -

Franz Liszt
Rigoletto: Paraphrase de concert S 434

Claude Debussy
Pour le piano

Carl Tausig
Das Geisterschiff

Franz Liszt
Après une lecture de Dante

Érard-Festival – Benefizkonzert
© Flussschifferkirche

„Demokratie erhalten – eine Entscheidung fürs Miteinander“

A thematic service

"Maintaining democracy - a decision for togetherness" is the motto of the "Days of Democracy 2024" in Hamburg, which are organized by the political education providers. We will take up this motto in a special service at the river boatmen's church. Afterwards there will be time for meetings and conversation over coffee and cake.

„Demokratie erhalten – eine Entscheidung fürs Miteinander“


© Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Culture, street festivals & concerts Events in Hamburg

Whether it's art, music or theatre - experience the Hamburg you want to see. You'll find events with your favourite artist on the date you want! Experience the cultural diversity of Hamburg's cultural scene and the many events here and in the metropolitan region.

Events in Hamburg
© www.mediaserver.hamburg.de / Hinrich Carstensen

Festivals & Street Fairs

Parks or industrial zones are transformed into festival sites; side-streets invite you to come to highly diverse street festivals.

Festivals & Street Fairs

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