© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Jungfernstieg Music Festival

The Jungfernstieg as a stage

Just in time for the summer, the Jungfernstieg becomes a stage for four days: Experience open-air concerts from all musical styles, from pop to classical, jazz to chanson – in the heart of Hamburg, directly on the Binnenalster.

The Jungfernstieg is one of the Hanseatic city's flagships. In summer, the banks of the Binnenalster are transformed into a cultural meeting place. For four days, the association "Lebendiger Jungfernstieg e.V." offers a varied programme. From 13 to 16 June 2022, music lovers will find everything from jazz to pop abd soul. The music festival attracts visitors from near and far. For the first time, the pop duo Orange Blue will rock the stage. The well-known Hamburg soul singer Stefan Gwildis will also be performing. The event at Jungfernstieg will be completed by well-known regulars, including Hamburg's Traditional Old Merry Tale Jaazband and Armando Quattrone - so the audience will be thrilled even in the last hours of the music festival.

Admission is free - and even if the weather is bad, the event will not be cancelled: if it rains or thunders, the music festival will move to the main churches of Katharinen and St. Petri.

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