© Kiran West
© Kiran West
© Kiran West

Hamburger Ballett-Tage

A Celebration of Dance Diversity

The 50th Hamburg Ballet Days showcase the full spectrum of the Hamburg Ballet over two weeks, featuring premieres, guest performances, and classic works to conclude the 2024/25 season.

Two Weeks of Dance Excellence

The Hamburg Ballet Days are the annual highlight and conclusion of the current season. This festival condenses the artistic diversity of the Hamburg Ballet into two weeks, offering a unique panorama of dance artistry. The 50th edition promises special moments and artistic highlights.

Opening with a World Premiere

The festival opens with the world premiere of “Demian”, the first full-length choreography by Artistic Director Demis Volpi for the Hamburg Ballet. This innovative work brings fresh energy and sets the tone for an exciting festival.

Repertoire and New Productions

The festival offers a fascinating insight into the season’s repertoire. The premieres of “The Times Are Racing” and “Slow Burn” illustrate the variety of choreographic styles since 1974. In addition, works by John Neumeier such as “Romeo and Juliet”, “Nijinsky”, and “Death in Venice” are also featured.

Spotlight on Young Talent

The Hamburg Ballet School also takes part with a performance in the “First Steps” series. This includes Demis Volpi’s “The Carnival of the Animals”, which has been part of the school’s repertoire since 2012.

International Guest Performances

A highlight of the festival is the performance by Spanish choreographer Marcos Morau and his acclaimed company La Veronal. Their piece “Sonoma” captivates with primal energy and surreal dystopian beauty, inspired by the works of Luis Buñuel.

Grand Finale with the Nijinsky Gala

The festival concludes with the “Nijinsky-Gala L”, a festive finale that also marks the end of the 2024/25 season.

The 50th Hamburg Ballet Days promise an unforgettable celebration of dance, blending tradition and innovation.

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