© Collection Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
© framespotting
© Miguel Chevalier / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
© framespotting
© Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe
© courtesy of the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, Foto © Sammlung Vilsmeier – Linhares, München
© Galerie Michel Descours, Paris, (Foto: Galerie Michel Descours / Didier Michalet)
© Leihgabe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Sammlung Zeitgenössische Kunst / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Flowers Forever. Flowers in art and culture

Cultural history of the flower from antiquity to the present day

From 12 October 2024 to 19 January 2025, the Bucerius Kunst Forum is presenting a fascinating tour through the cultural history of flowers from antiquity to the present day with ‘Flowers Forever. Flowers in Art and Culture’ from 12 October 2024 to 19 January 2025 - appealing to art and science enthusiasts alike. On the occasion of this show, the exhibition centre on Alter Wall is realising a very special art campaign with the Hamburg art project Framespotting - here is some good advice: open your eyes, find and keep flower art.

The role of the flower

Flowers have always fascinated people with their splendour and diversity. ‘Flowers Forever’ explores their important role in culture, mythology, religion, politics, economics and ecology as well as their omnipresence as a symbol and natural phenomenon, demonstrating the close connection between art and science. People have always attributed new meanings to the flower across epochs and geographical boundaries, and their symbols are constantly changing: flowers are, for example, sources of inspiration for artistic explorations, not only in artistic research illustrations. They were once a coveted status symbol and are now traded as a global mass product. They symbolise political and activist communication, for example the Carnation Revolution. It is undisputed that flowers trigger emotions in every individual and have had a high symbolic power for everyone, both personally and socially, throughout cultural history for centuries.

International, cross-genre and cross-era

‘Flowers Forever’ brings together established positions from the history of art and design and newly discovered artistic approaches, which are juxtaposed here for the first time and enter into a fruitful dialogue. On display are paintings, sculptures, photographs and objects from the fields of design and science. Among others, the following artists are represented: Ai Weiwei, Jan Brueghel the Younger, Andreas Gursky, Hannah Höch, Kapwani Kiwanga, Walid Raad and Kehinde Wiley. ‘Flowers forever. Flowers in Art and Culture’ took place at the Kunsthalle München in 2023. Over 350,000 people visited the tour during the exhibition's seven-month run - and were thrilled.

Art to give away! Art campaign with framespotting

Paul is a street art photographer, his gallery is the city. Here he secretly exhibits his art as @framespotting and whoever finds it gets to keep it. As a gift! The only request: Anyone who finds the picture should contact him via Instagram.

On the occasion of ‘Flowers Forever’, the Bucerius Kunst Forum is realising an art campaign with Framespotting - and giving away unique flower pictures. From 31 October to 6 November 2024 and from 3 to 9 January 2025, Framespotting will be hiding 20 pictures created especially for ‘Flowers Forever’ in Hamburg's urban space, cultural hotspots and hotels.

Anyone who finds a picture can keep it and add it to their private art collection. Don't forget: Share the location with a photo via Instagram at @buceriuskunstforum and also receive free entry to the Bucerius Kunst Forum for yourself and a companion.

The best way to stay up to date is to follow us:


@framespotting_hh and


More on this subject

© Yvonne Schmedemann Fotografie

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