„Was geht uns das an?“ - Mitmach-Vortrag mit Gruppenarbeit
- Lectures & Discussions
In the interactive lecture "What does it have to do with us?" Johanna Salzbrunn imparts knowledge about Nazi history and shows connections between our past and our present. The focus, however, is on you as participants. The idea is to create an active conversation, so your cooperation is required! Together you will talk about topics such as the importance of individual decisions for society and deal with our own history in the Bergedorf district.
The event is a safe space for questions of all kinds, so don't be afraid to participate, even if you have no prior knowledge!
Due to the sensitive topic of Nazi history, participation is recommended for ages 14 and up.
Please register: j.salzbrunn@geschichts-kontor.de
Event language: German (easy language), German learners are welcome, English possible.
The venue is not barrier-free, but is on the ground floor (old building with narrow entrance door, one step to the toilet), the event is barrier-free (easier language).
The event is part of the International Weeks Against Racism 2025 in Bergedorf, organized and sponsored by the Bergedorf District Office. The entire program of the action weeks can be found at www.zentrum-bergedorf.de/iwgr-2025/
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