Terry Hoax // Celebrate Nothing Tour 2025 // Hamburg
- Rock
Admission 8 pm, start 9 pm
Maria's Ballroom is fully air-conditioned!
Tickets at all known ticket outlets or online
Tix For Gigs Ticket Shop: www.tixforgigs.com/Event/62557
Eventim.Light ticket shop: www.eventim-light.com/de/a/577e3aece4b08209f2d5b12b
Terry Hoax 'Celebrate Nothing' 2025
The rock band Terry Hoax was founded in Hanover in 1988. Just one year later they signed their first record deal and toured successfully throughout Europe for eight years. Their biggest hits Policy Of Truth and Insanity are still the most played songs by a German band on MTV.
Homepage: terryhoax.de
Facebook: www.facebook.com/terryhoax
Instagram: www.instagram.com/terryhoaxofficial/
Youtube: youtu.be/bwUCWtwCRaU
Spotify: open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7uCVEk4DC4SZcwpkXxQARh
The band broke up in 1996 and came back out of nowhere in 2008. They have now released nine albums and last toured in 2022/23. Founding member Martin Wichary will return to the band in 2024 and new songs will be released that year. Terry Hoax are considered one of the best live bands in Germany. Their unbridled joy of playing, their humor and their energy leave no one cold! New album 'Celebrate Nothing' in spring 2025!
Olli Perau – vocals
Martin Wichary – guitar
Marcus Wichary – guitar
Kai Schiering – Bass
Hachy M. Hachmeister – drummer
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