Sonderführungen im Rahmen der Langen Nacht der Museen Hamburg 2025
- Other
The Hamburg Museum Service has been organizing the Long Night of Hamburg Museums since 2001. It is the visitor service for 30 Hamburg museums and arranges their educational offers.
The following four telephone tours will take place as part of the Long Night of Museums Hamburg 2025. Registration is not necessary. The telephone number to dial in is040 607 739 2199
6-7 pm, Falckenberg Collection: How's My Painting? Paintings from the Falckenberg Collection (Art)
After the anniversary exhibition INSTALLATIONS FROM 25 YEARS OF THE FALCKENBERG COLLECTION (2019), which was dedicated to installations as the core medium of the Falckenberg Collection, painting will come into focus in 2025. In the exhibition HOW'S MY PAINTING? PAINTINGS FROM THE FALCKENBERG COLLECTION, the medium will be presented extensively for the first time with over 100 works from the Falckenberg Collection.
Starting with Werner Büttner, Albert Oehlen and Martin Kippenberger, who shook up the established art scene of the 1980s with their attitude borrowed from punk and, together with their American colleagues of the same age, Raymond Pettibon and Mike Kelley, represent the concept of counter culture that is so important for the Falckenberg Collection, the exhibition spans all variations of the medium, from panel painting to its installation, deconstructive and conceptual manifestations. HOW'S MY PAINTING? can be seen from March 1 to September 7, 2025 in the Falckenberg Collection of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg in the Phoenix Halls in Harburg and is open every Sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Guide: Stefanie Reimers
7-8 pm, Museum of Arts & Crafts: Glitter! (Art)
Glitter sparkles and shimmers, fascinates and outrages. It can be found on stages as well as on protest posters and in children's rooms. Glitter is omnipresent - and yet the Museum of Arts and Crafts is the first museum in the world to dedicate an exhibition to this material. The focus of the exhibition is on glitter in current political contexts and collective movements, as a material and metaphor for visibility, belonging and self-determination.
Guide: Rebecca Junge
8-9 pm, MARKK - Museum am Rothenbaum Cultures and Arts of the World: Exhibition "Pippi's Papa" (Literature)
The stories of Pippi Longstocking and her father Efraim, who rules over Taka-Tuka-Land as the "South Sea King", are among the most famous works of European children's literature of the 20th century. But was there really a Swedish "South Sea King"? On this tour, you will go on a search for clues and explore the background of this figure.
Guide: Bojana Fuzianto
9-10 pm, Museum of Work: Your package has arrived! Shopping on order (Other)
Fulfill your wishes without even leaving the house? Mail order has made this possible for around 150 years. Today, mail order has reached a whole new dimension, mainly due to digitalization. In the exhibition, visitors can experience the phenomenon of mail order as a complex network.
The exhibition can be visited at the Museum of Work until April 28, 2025.
Guide: Andreas Kohlschmidt
"Bei Anruf Kultur" brings guided tours from the museum to your home in an uncomplicated way via telephone. The telephone tours last 60 minutes and are conducted by professional art and culture mediators from the participating institutions. They describe the visual content, for example the rooms of the house and the exhibits in the exhibition.
If you would like to take part in this telephone tour, please register on the “Bei Anruf Kultur” website. Alternatively, you can register by phone at (040) 209 404 36.
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