Orchester Wiener Akademie / Thomas Hampson / Martin Haselböck
  • Opera

© Jiyang Chen

The American star baritone Thomas Hampson is regarded as one of the best opera singers in the world. His operatic repertoire comprises more than 80 roles and his discography includes more than 170 albums. He has been honoured countless times with prestigious awards for his outstanding artistic work, including the Met Mastersinger Award, the Concertgebouw Prize and the Grammy Award. In the Elbphilharmonie, opera star Thomas Hampson presents an exciting programme of works by Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven together with conductor Martin Haselböck and the Wiener Akademie orchestra.


Orchester Wiener Akademie chamber orchestra

Thomas Hampson baritone

Martin Haselböck conductor


Ludwig van Beethoven
Coriolan Overture, Op. 62

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Hai già vinta la causa ... Vedrò, mentr’io sospiro / Der Prozeß schon gewonnen

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo KV 584

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Kontretanz C-Dur KV 587 »Der Sieg vom Helden Coburg«

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Ein deutsches Kriegslied KV 539 »Ich möchte wohl der Kaiser sein«

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Kontretanz C-Dur KV 535 »La Bataille«

Franz Schubert
Ganymed D 544

Franz Schubert
»Sei mir gegrüßt, o Sonne«, aus: Alfonso und Estrella

- Interval -

Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55 »Eroica«

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Iwan Baan

Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)


© Matthew Murphy

Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind
  • Theatre

  • 06.09.2024
  • 13:00
  • Theater am Großmarkt
© Hoftheater Ottensen

Weihnachtsmärchen-Hans im Glück
  • Theatre

  • 15.11.2024
  • 16:00
  • Hoftheater Ottensen
© Galli Theater Hamburg

Kinder spielen Theater für Kinder – Die kleine Seejungfrau
  • Theatre

  • 13.10.2024
  • 11:00
  • Kunstklinik Eppendorf
© Bücherhallen Hamburg

Bunt statt Braun - Ein Abend mit Adrian Geiges!
  • Readings

  • 26.09.2024
  • 19:30
  • Bücherhalle Altona
© Lohbrügger Bürgerbühne

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
  • Theatre

  • 17.12.2024
  • 11:30
  • Theater Haus im Park
© Peter Griesser

Twinkle Concert M / Takadaaaap!
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 07.12.2024
  • 11:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© University Players

As you want it@Motte - University Players
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 29.11.2024
  • 20:00
  • Motte- Rothestraße
© 2021 / Monika Rittershaus

Richard the Kid & the King
  • Theatre

  • 05.10.2024
  • 19:00
  • DeutschesSchauSpielHausHamburg
© Sébastien Grébille

Twinkle Concert S / In Omis Garten (In Granny’s Garden)
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 16.02.2025
  • 11:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© Claudia Höhne

Twinkle Concert XL / Somnia – What Do Dreams Sound Like?
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 09.11.2024
  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)


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