Painting on the island - Sabine Stecker
- Exhibition
Art in the garden. Sabine Stecker (painting) and H.-J. Ruge (sculptures) create charming contrasts in the blooming exhibition garden.
Art in the garden. Sabine Stecker (painting) and H.-J. Ruge (sculptures) create charming contrasts in the blooming exhibition garden.
Sabine Stecker paints colorful pictures mostly in oil, but also with chalk. Her abstract paintings are compositionally exciting and harmonious at the same time. She enjoys painting in her garden and is inspired by the power of her surroundings in western Mecklenburg. Her paintings are "own" in the literal sense and hardly allow for classification in the currently common categories. They can touch the viewer deeply and lastingly.
Opening hours:
Saturday, Sunday and Monday each from 12 to 18 clock
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